Package-level declarations
Alias for com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ArrayMap. Added for consistency with other collections and factory methods.
Alias for com.badlogic.gdx.utils.BooleanArray avoiding name collision with the standard library.
Alias for com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ByteArray avoiding name collision with the standard library.
Alias for com.badlogic.gdx.utils.CharArray avoiding name collision with the standard library.
Alias for com.badlogic.gdx.utils.FloatArray avoiding name collision with the standard library.
Alias for com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IdentityMap. Added for consistency with other collections and factory methods.
Alias for com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IntArray avoiding name collision with the standard library.
Alias for com.badlogic.gdx.utils.LongArray avoiding name collision with the standard library.
Alias for com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ShortArray avoiding name collision with the standard library.
Default libGDX array size used by most constructors.
Default libGDX map and set load factor used by most constructors.
Default libGDX map size used by most constructors.
Default libGDX set size used by most constructors.
Returns the last valid index for the array. -1 if the array is empty.
Allows to destruct IntFloatMap.Entry into key and value components.
Allows to destruct IntIntMap.Entry into key and value components.
Allows to destruct IntMap.Entry into key and value components.
Allows to destruct LongMap.Entry into key and value components.
Allows to destruct ObjectIntMap.Entry into key and value components.
Allows to destruct ObjectMap.Entry into key and value components.
Allows to destruct IntFloatMap.Entry into key and value components.
Allows to destruct IntIntMap.Entry into key and value components.
Allows to destruct IntMap.Entry into key and value components. Nullable, since IntMap allows null values.
Allows to destruct LongMap.Entry into key and value components. Nullable, since LongMap allows null values.
Allows to destruct ObjectIntMap.Entry into key and value components.
Allows to destruct ObjectMap.Entry into key and value components. Nullable, since ObjectMap allows null values.
Allows to check if an array contains an element using the "in" operator.
Returns a single GdxArray of all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each entry of original GdxArray.
Returns the value for the given key. If the key is not found in the map, calls the defaultValue function, puts its result into the map under the given key and returns it.
Allows to iterate over the array with access to MutableIterator, which allows to remove elements from the collection during iteration.
Allows to iterate over the map with Kotlin lambda syntax and direct access to MutableIterator, which can remove elements during iteration.
Returns a GdxArray containing the results of applying the given transform function to each element in the original GdxArray.
Allows to remove elements from arrays with array - element
Allows to quickly remove all elements of a native array from this array with -= operator syntax.
Allows to quickly remove all elements of another iterable from this array with - operator syntax.
Allows to remove elements from sets with set - element
Allows to remove all elements of an array from this set with - operator syntax.
Allows to remove all elements of another iterable from this set with - operator syntax.
Allows to remove elements from arrays with array -= element
Allows to quickly remove all elements of a native array from this array with -= operator syntax.
Allows to quickly remove all elements of another iterable from this array with -= operator syntax.
Allows to remove elements from sets -= operator syntax.
Allows to remove all elements of an array from this set with -= operator syntax.
Allows to remove all elements of another iterable from this set with -= operator syntax.
Allows to quickly addAll all elements of a native array to this array with a pleasant, chainable operator syntax.
Allows to append elements to sets with set + element
Allows to add all elements of an array to this set with + operator syntax.
Allows to add all elements of another iterable to this set with + operator syntax.
Allows to append elements to arrays with array += element
Allows to quickly add all elements of a native array to this array with += operator syntax.
Allows to quickly add all elements of another iterable to this array with += operator syntax.
Allows to append elements to sets with += operator syntax.
Allows to add all elements of an array to this set with += operator syntax.
Allows to add all elements of another iterable to this set with += operator syntax.
A method wrapper over Array.size variable compatible with nullable types.
A method wrapper over BooleanArray.size variable compatible with nullable types.
A method wrapper over FloatArray.size variable compatible with nullable types.
A method wrapper over IntArray.size variable compatible with nullable types.
A method wrapper over ObjectMap.size variable compatible with nullable types.
A method wrapper over ObjectSet.size variable compatible with nullable types.
Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified selector function.
Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to their natural sort order.