
class FixtureDefinition : FixtureDef

Box2D building DSL utility class. FixtureDef extension exposing new properties. Note that when using fixture builders from BodyDefinition, FixtureDefinition.shape field should not be modified - fixture's shape of the chosen type will already be set in the FixtureDefinition instance.

See also


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var creationCallback: (Fixture) -> Unit?

Invoked after the Fixture is fully constructed.

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If true, will dispose of FixtureDef.shape right after Fixture construction.

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val filter: Filter
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var shape: Shape
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Custom data object assigned to Fixture.getUserData. Allows to store additional data about the Fixture without having to override the class. Defaults to null.


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fun FixtureDef.filter(filter: Filter): Filter

Utility extension method for setting up of FixtureDef.filter. Allows to copy an existing Filter instance to avoid copying each property manually.

inline fun FixtureDef.filter(init: Filter.() -> Unit)

Inlined utility extension method for setting up of FixtureDef.filter. Exposes Filter properties under this.

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fun onCreate(callback: (Fixture) -> Unit)