
Thrown when unsupported methods are called on the AssetManagerWrapper. It is typically only caused by AssetLoader instances or a AssetLoaderParameters.LoadedCallback.

AssetStorage reuses official AssetLoader implementations to load the assets. SynchronousAssetLoader and AsynchronousAssetLoader both expect an instance of AssetManager to perform some basic operations on assets. To support the loaders API, AssetStorage is wrapped with an AssetManagerWrapper which delegates supported methods to AssetStorage and throws this exception otherwise.

Most official loaders only call AssetManager.get to obtain asset dependencies, but custom loaders can perform operations that are unsupported by AssetStorage due to its asynchronous nature and storing assets mapped by path and type rather than path alone. If this exception causes the loading to fail, AssetLoader associated with the asset has to be refactored.


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constructor(method: String)


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open val cause: Throwable?
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open val message: String?